Our (Wo)Mantra
MAAREE exists to support women so that they are empowered to achieve their potential.
Designed by a sports bra performance tester
About Us
MAAREE was founded by a sports bra performance tester, Mari, after she used to test the performance of sports bras for some of the biggest brands under laboratory conditions.
After realising that, despite her job, that she, like many other women in her experiments, couldn't find their perfect sports bra.
They were either not supportive enough, too uncomfortable or looked terrible.
When testing all of these bras she was confused as to why everyone was concentrating on reducing downward motion only.
As we all know - what goes up, must come down!
The results from her testing showed that breasts move in all sorts of directions when we're active. It became obvious that not many companies really knew enough about sports bras.
She realised there was a real gap in the market for someone to come in and really enhance/improve the offering of sports bras. Not only that, but to offer something new and disruptive in this female-first industry, something that rarely happens.

When running along one day - wearing a sports bra from one of the biggest brands - I hovered my hands above my chest and I was mortified by how much bounce I was experiencing.
I couldn't believe this was an acceptable level of support.
I thought this just had to change.
Therefore she decided to do something about it herself by mocking up some prototypes at home.
It was instantly clear that creating a sports bra with upward motion support vastly improved the performance of the sports bra, and so, the first Overband® was created and MAAREE was founded.

The First Overband Prototype
After a quick trip to a charity shop to buy second hand belts, Mari re-designed it to create the first curved and adjustable Overband panel.
After sewing it onto an existing sports bra it was immediately obvious that it vastly improved its performance.

Development is Underway
Mari spend the next couple of years creating and evaluating prototypes on evenings and weekends to perfect the world's only sports bras with Overband® Technology.
Later going onto to find the ideal supplier to partner with to help create the designs in multiple sizes and to produce for real-life customers!

MAAREE Launched
We officially launched in December 2018 with two sports bra designs; the Solidarity Bra and Empower Bra.
With a number of pre-orders to fulfil, the business was actually now up-and-running and the wonderful (and often tearjerking) customer reviews has started flowing in!

Covid Hit us Hard
We had finally started to get the hang of running a business and were about to get our third production through of our sports bras when the pandemic hit.
What should have been a very thriving time for the business ended up being a 7-month period of no stock to sell, due to supply chain issues.
We decided to launch our online fitting service and provide lots of useful sports bra content in the meantime to keep people interested in our company and eagerly awaiting our restock.

Back and stronger than ever!
We're happy to say that we bounced back after the troubles of the pandemic thanks to all of your support!
After launch, we more than made up for all of the lost sales after we finally received stock back in and we're now going stronger than ever.
We've since launched collaborations, sponsored clubs and launched our third sports bra design; the Battle Bra.
We don't plan on stopping there! Join us on our journey.
Il nostro (Wo)Mantra
"Sostenere le donne in modo che abbiano il potere di raggiungere i loro obiettivi"
Molte donne non sentono di avere gli strumenti giusti o il supporto necessario per fare esercizio senza preoccupazioni e, quindi, non sono così attive come vorrebbero essere. Il divario di genere nei tassi di partecipazione all'esercizio fisico è ancora troppo grande per i nostri gusti e crediamo che lo sport e l'esercizio fisico non siano solo fondamentali per condurre uno stile di vita sano, ma siano importanti per sviluppare importanti capacità di vita. Vogliamo aiutare ad abbattere le barriere che le donne hanno nella loro vita e fornire il supporto necessario affinché tu possa vivere le tue vite feroci e potenti con sicurezza e mostrare al mondo che sei una forza da non sottovalutare!
Un marchio di abbigliamento sportivo da donna, avviato da un tester di prodotti sportivi
Siamo alla ricerca di progettare e produrre una nuova interpretazione innovativa del classico design del reggiseno sportivo in modo che fornisca prestazioni superiori a tutto tondo. Il nostro obiettivo è il miglioramento incessante e un giorno vogliamo risolvere completamente i problemi relativi all'abbigliamento sportivo femminile. Per favore, unisciti a noi nel nostro viaggio, vieni a parlare con noi e raccontaci di te!
Incontra Mari

Ho testato prodotti sportivi per tutta la mia vita professionale.
Non appena ho lasciato i miei studi alla Loughborough University, ho iniziato a testare le prestazioni dei reggiseni sportivi in condizioni di laboratorio per alcuni dei migliori marchi sportivi del mondo. Tuttavia, essendo io stessa un'appassionata sportiva, sentivo che il mio reggiseno sportivo perfetto non esisteva ancora.
"Ero mortificato da quanto movimento stava succedendo di cui ero ignaro"
Quando corri un giorno - con quello che pensavo fosse uno dei migliori reggiseni sportivi della mia collezione personale - ho alzato le mani sopra il petto ed ero mortificato da quanto movimento stava succedendo di cui ero ignaro.
Durante il test di tutti questi reggiseni ero confuso sul motivo per cui nessuno stava affrontando il movimento verso l'alto, o addirittura ci pensava di sfuggita. Le tette possono muoversi in tutte le direzioni, ma mi sono reso conto che non molte aziende là fuori ne sapevano davvero abbastanza di reggiseni sportivi. Tuttavia, ho pensato che fosse così ovvio che qualcuno prima o poi doveva affrontarlo.
Ho poi continuato a guidare il team di test presso una delle principali aziende di dispositivi indossabili a Londra. Convalida della qualità e dell'accuratezza di una serie di prodotti indossabili; un lavoro che richiede molta corsa. Tuttavia, quando sono stata licenziata da questo lavoro nel 2017 e il mio reggiseno perfetto ancora non esisteva, ho deciso che avrei finalmente trasformato il mio progetto in realtà, condividendolo con chiunque ne volesse uno e avviando MAAREE.
Per saperne di più, visita il nostro post sul blog !

Testing is at our Core
Mari started our her career testing sports bras and this will forever be at the heart of our products.

It's about time sports bras did more for us
We stem from engineering roots, rather than fashion ones. So we are passionate about creating gear which does what it says on the tin.

Continuously provide better
We want to be around for a long time, providing a whole variety of sport bras and sportswear to suit everyone.

Comfort & Performance Together
Objective numerical results aren't the whole picture though! We gather subjective results from our participants too, to ensure ultimate comfort and appeal.

We have high standards for performance
Unfortunately, there are no standards to hit to be able to call your bra a high-impact sports bra. As a result, we know a lot of designs out there underdeliver. This is why we set high standards for our designs.
Our Values
How we support you
We strive to support our community through our three core pillars.
Getting you up to speed
Our Launch Videos

Join in with the fun
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We like to show you some behind the scenes of the business, what's coming soon and share helpful tips and tricks about sports bras whenever we can.
Want to know more?
Our History

MAAREE was started by Mari, a sport bra performance tester. What does laboratory testing of a sports bra involve? Read on.
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How it Started: The First Overband® Prototype
Read the story of how the very first Overband® prototype was created and how Mari constructed her first revolutionary sports bra.
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A Letter From Mari: The Challenges of Covid-19 on My Small Business
An honest letter from the founder of MAAREE about how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the sports bra start-up.
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